Fall is such a great time of the year to photograph the sky. Winter can be too cloudy and summer can be too clear. But fall has just the right amount of clouds and sunshine. I took this picture last Friday at a Ruby's Diner at the end of Huntington Beach pier while my wife and I were having dinner. You can almost see the brush strokes. You can see Catalina Island in the distance.
Note: Even though Catalina Island looks as if it is due west of Huntington Beach, it is actually due west of San Clemente.

I took this photo on my way home from work tonight. I was riding my bike home and just missed the light to cross Lakewood Blvd. As I was waiting for the signal, I noticed the sky and said that would make a great Downey Daily photo. I almost always carry my camera, so I took it out of my backpack and took several pictures, working the shot until I felt I had at least one good one. This is the one I chose.
The sun is setting around 4:30 to 4:45 this week. Make a point to get out in the open somewhere and watch the sky change colors. Make sure you're with someone to share it with. Beauty is a great blessing to share.
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